Celery Juice and IBD - Mythbuster

Myth - “Celery Juice will cure IBD”⁣

Truth - The celery juice trend originated in America. It came from a guy who calls himself the Medical Medium – he says he receives medical information from a “spirit” who is “decades ahead of science and research in chronic illness” (you can see where this is going!).⁣

First things first - there is zero research to back up the curative benefits of celery juice that the Medical Medium touts for IBD, or any other health condition for that matter!⁣

You might read reports from people who say that drinking celery juice has helped them (note helped not cured!). Celery is a source of potassium, vitamin K, antioxidants, and water. It is thought that perhaps people are seeing positive effects of celery juice because it's just giving us more hydration that we might not have been getting before.⁣

For example, its often suggested it should be drunk in the morning, first thing, before anything else. Often someone might have a coffee or tea first thing or nothing at all, so the change that person is making to have something that is hydrating first thing in the morning may have a positive impact (tip: water will do the same thing!). Its also rare that people make just one change like this, its often accompanied by other dietary or lifestyle changes which could all add up to making a positive impact but the celery juice gets the credit!⁣

I want you to be very wary of anyone who suggests one specific food will cure anything. ⁣

When it comes to our food choices, we can get fixated on a single food or drink in the hope it will resolve our health issues when in reality, there is no one food that will cure any disease. We need to be looking at the bigger picture - our overall diet and lifestyle choices which can have a really positive impact on our health and quality of life when living with Crohns or Colitis.⁣

If you like drinking celery juice there is no reason you shouldn’t continue to do so - it can be part of a healthful eating pattern, if you enjoy it, but it should not be relied upon as the only source of goodness – variety is key in our diets, and it certainly shouldn’t be thought of as a cure.

I have written a free e-book to help you find a way forward for your everyday life with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Whether you are right at the beginning of your journey with IBD or have been living with your condition for years and feel like you have tried almost everything, there are things you can do everyday, beyond the medication you are taking, to help you take back control.

Disclaimer: All content found on the nalmclinic.com website, including: text, video, or other formats have been created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor, consultant or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

We are all wonderfully unique and what works for one person may not work for another so please seek help and advice before changing your diet to work out the right way forward for you.

Clemmie Macpherson