In 2021 we need to move away from our one-dimensional view about our health

If you’ve been following my IBD mythbuster series you will see I have covered a variety of myths and bought some sense to the claims, what research we have (or not!) behind them, and my clinical experience. You have been amazing at sharing the myths you have come across along the way and its bought me to write this blog.

The one thing that is clear is that all the claims are focused on one specific food, supplement or item to ‘cure’ IBD. Fundamentally this is already flawed, never mind what the specific product or supplement is! Let me explain.

I often see it online, in clinic and talking to people, that we are always looking for that one thing that is going to be the magic bullet. I don’t blame us – we have been bought up this way – we live in a ‘pill for an ill’ culture – we get ill, we go to the doctor, the doctor prescribes us a pill and sends us on our way. We need to make very little effort here – go to the doctors, take the pills, that’s it. We have been programmed to search for these ‘pills’ or that one thing that will cure and, that very little effort is required for our health. But look where that’s got us as a society!

This reductionist and one-dimensional view we have is flawed - to focus on just one component or object completely misses the mark and ignores the complexities of our own unique body’s and environments.

It doesn’t address the multiple underlying factors that could be driving illness every day. It doesn’t take into account we are all individuals with different biochemistry, different genetics, different dietary and lifestyle habits and behaviours, and that we are all at a different stage in our journey with IBD. It doesn’t take into account that it won’t be just one thing we need to address but many areas we need to focus on to improve our health, which, when done together in a concoction that is unique to our own specific needs, can have hugely positive and meaningful impacts on our health and quality of life with IBD. 

To make a meaningful impact on our health, we have to change this pattern of thinking and we have to change our behaviours. We need to look at all the pieces of the puzzle - the food we eat, how we eat, our lifestyle choices, our mental health, and our behaviours - all together - not as separate parts. We need to stop chasing magic bullets (and people need to stop marketing and selling them to vulnerable people but that’s a whole different topic!) and instead focus on long term sustainable solutions.

So, in the new year when you are faced with a million marketing campaigns and articles promoting the latest quick fix miracle diet or supplement, think of me and this article. If you are looking to improve your health in the new year, instead of wasting precious money and time on these “magic bullets” that never work, at least not in the long run, explore what options there may be for more sustainable change. Start small with something as simple as drinking more water or eating an extra portion of vegetables per day and just take it one step at a time. If you don’t know where to start but you want to make that first step I’m always here to help, you just need to ask (see below).

Merry Christmas x

You can book a (free) 20 minute no obligation enquiry call with me to take that first step - I’d love to hear about you; your journey, your struggles, your life, and we can chat about how I can help and the best route forward for you. Click here to find a time that works for you.

NB: I see all clients via video call so it doesn’t matter where you live - I work with clients both in the UK and internationally.

Clemmie Macpherson