Building the ultimate smoothie


Smoothies seem to have got a bad reputation for being sugar laden and unhealthy, but when made correctly they can be an easy, convenient breakfast or snack. I am very much for eating proper meals where we can but sometimes a smoothie can be a really useful way to get important nutrients into us when we don’t really feel like eating, and can also be a great addition to our normal meals when we are trying to maintain weight, something that can be tricky during or after flares in IBD. They can also be a useful way to get in fruit and vegetables when you have strictures or adhesions and are at higher risk of getting blockages.

But the ingredients in smoothies are very important and can be the difference between something that is sugar laden and only fills us up for an hour, or something that is more nutritious and fills us up until our next meal.

The kind of smoothies I am talking about are tasty and complete meals in themselves with a balanced content of different nutrients.

There are 6 important components when putting together a nutritious smoothie:

  1. Protein – vital for repair and recovery which is so important in IBD particularly during flares, our protein requirements actually increase during flares. Adding protein also helps to keep us full until our next meal. 

  2. Healthy Fats – these have so many roles in our bodies and also help to keep us full.

  3. Carbohydrates – vital as a primary source of energy – particularly important in fatigue in IBD.

  4. Fruit – provides sweetness and important nutrients as well as some fibre that is more easily digested because it is smoothied up!

  5. Vegetables – provides more important nutrients like vitamins as well as some fibre that is more easily digested because it is smoothied up!

  6. Liquid – the give the smoothie a drinkable consistency (tip - you can always add less liquid so it’s a firmer consistency and eat it with a spoon if you prefer eating rather than drinking food)

You can download my smoothie PDF guide here which gives ingredient and quantity ideas to help you build the ultimate smoothie.  

NB: if you have strictures, please ask your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and don’t go straight to adding in lots of fruit and vegetables - smoothies still have fibre in them even if its more broken down so start with small portions and work up to work out what’s best for you. Also if you have been following a low fibre diet for a long time and start adding fibre you may experience some bloating so again start with small portions and work up to allow your body to adjust to the change.

I have written a free e-book to help you find a way forward for your everyday life with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Whether you are right at the beginning of your journey with IBD or have been living with your condition for years and feel like you have tried almost everything, there are things you can do everyday, beyond the medication you are taking, to help you take back control.

Disclaimer: All content found on the website, including: text, video, or other formats have been created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor, consultant or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

We are all wonderfully unique and what works for one person may not work for another so please seek help and advice before changing your diet to work out the right way forward for you.


Clemmie Macpherson